Datum: 17.10.2024 bis 18.10.2024
Ort: Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Alte Universitätsstraße 19, D – 55116 Mainz, Germany
Diese Veranstaltung wird organisiert durch das Format:
Exploring Connections
A Bring Your Own Data Lab on Historical Network Analysis
Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG)
Alte Universitätsstraße 19
D – 55116 Mainz
Programme (in work)
Day 1: 17.10.2024
08:45: Registration
09:20: Welcome and introduction round | Dr Judit Garzón Rodríguez
09:40: Impuls 1: Epistemology of network research + Case Study | Dr Cindarella Petz (Leibniz-Institute of European History, Digital Historical Research | DH Lab)
10:40: Coffee break
11:10: Impuls 2: (Dis)entangling the Past through Multilayer Networks | Sebastian Borkowski, M.A (University of Bern, Data Science Lab)
12:10: Lunch break
13:40: Instruction + Creating Poster | Dr Cindarella Petz + Sebastian Borkowski, M.A
14:45: Coffee break
15:15: Rotating Poster Session with Peer-2-Peer feedback and mentoring | all participants
16:45: Plenary session | Dr Cindarella Petz + Sebastian Borkowski, M.A
17:30: Conclusion | Dr Judit Garzón Rodríguez
18:30: Workshop dinner (At Own Expense) | all participants
Day 2: 18.10.2024
09:30: Welcome | Dr Judit Garzón Rodríguez
09:40: Section 1: Python | Dr Cindarella Petz (Impuls): Dr des. Golnaz Sarkar Farshi and Sebastian Borkowski M.A. as support during the hands-on
11:30: Coffee break
11:50: Section 2: Gephi/Nodegoat | Sebastian Borkowski, M.A.
12:50: Lunch break
14:00: Section 2: Gephi/Nodegoat | Sebastian Borkowski M.A.: Dr Cindarella Petz and Dr des. Golnaz Sarkar Farshi as support during the hands-on
15:00: Coffee break
15:15: Discussion and Mentoring | Sebastian Borkowski M.A. and Dr Cindarella Petz
16:20: Closing remarks | Dr Judit Garzón Rodríguez
Designed for researchers in the humanities and cultural sciences, this workshop offers a practical, supportive and cooperative space to deepen knowledge of Historical Network Analysis. By the end of the Bring Your Own Data Lab, participants will be able to apply more confidently network analysis methods to their own data sets.
Preparation and Prerequisites:
- Basic programming knowledge (R, Python, …). Note that the course will be in Python. On the Leibniz-Institute of European History GitHub repository you can access some preparing material (Python programming, Data Analysis with Python): There are 2 Jupyter Notebooks: Introduction_Jupyter_Python.ipynb and Intro_Data_Analysis_with_Python.ipynb. There is also a Jupyter Notebook assignment.ipynb if you want to check your understanding (the document is not long, you may need < 1h).
- Willingness to learn new technical skills
- Important: install and get comfortable with Anaconda3. It contains all packages we will need (Jupyter notebooks included)
- Installing Anaconda
- Setting up a new environment, e.g. “HNR”
- Installing networkX-package, pandas, matplotlib
- Please install Gephi 0.10 (https://gephi.org/) and the Network Splitter 3D plugin (https://gephi.org/plugins/#/plugin/network-splitter-3d) for the hands-on session.
Contact and Registration:
Dr Judit Garzón Rodríguez
Note: maximum number of participants is 15.